Park Essentials for Lockdown

Park Essentials for Lockdown

What will you be packing in your bag to keep the kids safe at the park?

July 06, 2020 — Suzanne Moore
National Picnic Week 2020

National Picnic Week 2020

We're looking at making picnics waste free - a collaboration with Cheeky Wipes and a joint giveaway going live on Friday 26th 

national Picnic week with Nom Nom Kids and Cheeky Wipes

June 23, 2020 — Suzanne Moore
Lockdown Maths Help

Lockdown Maths Help

If you are home with a little one from Early Years to Key Stage 1 this colourful Rainbow can help them really nail their number Bonds.

Get a downloadable image to practice for yourself!

May 13, 2020 — Suzanne Moore
Simple Smoothie Making

Simple Smoothie Making

Some people say a smoothies must contain banana but I disagree. I like my smoothies to be colourful and creamy textured, bursting with flavour and nutrients. I find that using ingredients of similar colours I can get a much more vibrant smoothie that makes even the pickiest child desperate to try it. 

March 25, 2020 — Suzanne Moore
Healthy kids Breakfasts

Healthy kids Breakfasts

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but it's also the one that generally needs to be prepared and eaten the quickest. Our brains aren't...
March 01, 2020 — Suzanne Moore


My Second blog in a series of introductions to businesses that I think you'll all love to know about. Sockatoos is run by another one of my fellow Cheltenham Mumboss club members based in The Cotswolds so I really wanted to feature her straight away!

3 babues wearing Sockatoos trousers with attached socks

Sockatoos are basically lovely soft trousers with built in Socks that can never get lost!! I can think of so many occasions that these would have been handy, We used to lose socks everywhere!....Baby carrying, soft play, in the pushchair.

February 12, 2020 — Suzanne Moore
Family Favourite smoothies

Family Favourite smoothies

These are some of our favourite smoothies to help add a few extra nutrients into our day. These are really tasty and suitable for 9 months to 109.

Feel free to add little extras like Chia seeds, Flax or Hemp seeds to add extra protein and Omega 3's. There's always room to add a little spinach and avocado too even if the ingredients don't list them.

The fun of smoothies is that you can add all sorts so use these as a guide and see what you can develop yourself.....

November 11, 2019 — Suzanne Moore
Smoothie Week

Smoothie Week

This week is Smoothie week at Nom Nom HQ!smoothies in a rowIt's easy to get stuck in a smoothie rut, churning out the same smoothies so let's get some delicious inspiration from the amazing women that I follow on Social Media.

November 09, 2019 — Suzanne Moore
Plastic Free July swaps

Plastic Free July swaps

So that's it. Plastic Free July ends for another year....but the changes I have made won't be coming to an end. This month has really made me think and made me...
July 30, 2019 — Suzanne Moore
Making Changes

Making Changes

Tomorrow marks the end of Plastic Free July. A whole month where individuals and organisations have been attempting to reduce their plastic consumption.  Overshadowing this somewhat is the fact that...
July 30, 2019 — Suzanne Moore
Summer Photo Challenge

Summer Photo Challenge

I love seeing what you are all getting up to over the summer whilst fuelled with snacks from our pouches and bags so I'm launching our first ever Summer Photo...
July 27, 2019 — Suzanne Moore
Plastic Free July - Wet Wipes

Plastic Free July - Wet Wipes

It's Plastic Free July and i'm looking at all the things that I have been swapping in order to be less wasteful as a family. Today I'm looking at wet wipes. ...
July 12, 2019 — Suzanne Moore