Were you a bit over enthusiastic with the ice cube trays of single ingredients when you first started to wean your baby? Did you move on to meals a bit quicker than you expected and the ice cube trays remain untouched in the freezer? Whether the pureed cubes are fruit or vegetable you can still use these for your growing baby and make a bit of space in your freezer for bigger and more adventurous meals.

There are a few things that you can do with these leftovers to make sure that all your hard work doesn't go to waste.

Make your own Fruit & Veg meal combo’s

If your baby is still happy to have pureed foods but needs more volume, make your own combinations from the single flavour cubes. Some great combinations are:

  • Parsnip, carrot, sweet potato
  • Broccoli, sweet potato, pea
  • Butternut squash, sweet potato, apple or pear
  • Potato, swede, spinach, apple

Pop 4 or 5 frozen cubes into a pouch, and once defrosted, warm in a bowl of hot water if needed and squish up the contents in the pouch to mix the flavours together. You can add a little of your babies usual milk to make the mixture easier to squeeze. Feel free to add extra fresh ingredients too and have fun experimenting with flavours.







Pasta Sauce, Pie Filling or Risotto

Add extra veg cubes into your pasta sauce, Pie Filling or Risotto whilst cooking to add some extra nutrients.

Mashed Potato

Add extra carrot, Sweet Potato, Broccoli or spinach cubes into boiled or baked potato and mash together. We also add extra cheese and a spoonful of cream to make it extra tasty!


Make veggie muffins with leftover veg cubes

Fruit Yogurts

Stir fruit purees into plain yogurts and mix to create your own fruit yogurts

Super Green Smoothies

Have you got spinach or Kale cubes leftover? Add a cube to a smoothie for an extra health kick. They’ll never notice when feeding from a pouch! Carrot works well too.

Do you have any other great tips for using up baby food cubes? We would love to hear them.






March 27, 2016 — Suzanne Moore

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