This delicious fruity compote is packed full of nutrition and perfect for a squeezy snack or dessert. The flavours are based on one of our favourite fruit pots.

blueberry, strawberry and apple fruit pot recipe ingredients

🍎1 small apple
🍐1 small pear (or double up on the apple if you prefer)
🍓4 strawberries
💙Handful Blueberries
🥑1/4 avocado

Cut the apple and pear into thin slices and place in a small pan with a little water. Stew the apples and Pear on a low heat with a lid on for around 10 minutes until they’re soft and translucent. Ensure they don’t dry out. Allow to cool a little.

Add the remaining fruit and the avocado to the pan.To blend the mixture you can use a hand blender in the pan or allow the mixture to cool completely before adding to a Nutribullet or jug blender.The mixture should be thick and creamy.

Store in 100-150g portions in our Reusable Pouches or you can just add to small Tupperware style containers that you already have.

Store in the fridge for 24 hours or you can freeze in the pouches and keep for up to 3 months. 

If you want to give our reusable Pouches a try take a look at the options below.

February 03, 2021 — Suzanne Moore

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