It's allergy awareness week this week run by Allergy UK 

Allergy is widespread in the UK. Millions of adults suffer from at least one allergy, with numbers continuing to rise. Each year the number of allergy sufferers increases by 5%, half of all affected being children.

According to a study carried out by GP's 40 per cent of British children have an allergic diagnosis, be it asthma, eczema, hayfever or a food allergy such as egg or dairy. Nut allergy alone affects one in 50 British school children.

It's tough bringing up children with Allergies. The constant checking of ingredients and making sure that your precious little ones don't come into contact with allergens is an extra level of care and worry that us other parents don't need to deal with. You are doing an amazing job at keeping your little ones safe!

For those of you just finding out about allergies I wanted to share with you some useful blogs that I follow that document life with little ones that have allergies. I am also sharing some other websites that a good friend of mine has recommended to help provide information, recipes and support when dealing with allergies.

Helpful Blogs & Recipes

The adventures of an Allergy Mummy

Chloe, 23 is proud mother and wife on a mission to change the presumptions about allergies and provide helpful tips, recipes, reviews and advice to fellow parents in a similar situation.

Free From Farm House

Emma has a home full of fun, laughter, a Labrador and two food allergic children. She shares her family adventures, country lives and free from recipes.

Cybelle Pascal

The Allergy Friendly Cook - All recipes are free of major food allergens - Wheat, Dairy, Soy, eggs, Peanuts , Treenuts, sesmae, fish, shellfish and gluten!

Gluten-Free Goddess

Embracing a wheat-free gluten-free diet

Sarah Bakes Gluten Free

Creating gluten, dairy and egg free recipes, that are simply delicious

Useful Resources

Allergy kids UK have created a number of adjustable allergy and medical alert wristbands for children. The colourful and eye catching designs of our wristbands help identify and alert others to children with allergies and other medical conditions.

CMPA Support is a small UK charity that aims to raise awareness of Cows Milk Protein Allergy at all levels, provide information, support and practical advice to parents/carers. They also keep an up-to-date list of "free from" foods, including foods that can be found in the "normal" sections of shops and supermarkets.

Allergy UK

Allergy UK is the leading national charity dedicated to supporting the estimated 21 million allergy sufferers in the UK.  They provide a dedicated helpline, support network and online forum for those with allergy and intolerance.

Anaphylaxis Campaign

Anaphylaxis is an extreme and severe allergic reaction. The whole body is affected after exposure to an allergen. The Anaphylaxis Campaign provide a wealth of information on their website to support and help.

Allergy Adventures

Helping children with food allergies live safe, happy and healthy lives filled with fun and adventure

If you follow any other great blogs or have other resources please leave a comment below and I will add them to this post for others to see.

How can our pouches help?

Not much pre-packaged "Free-from" food is fun for kids so our pouches can help your little one's eat healthy and nutritious food and snacks that have been carefully selected and prepared by you. They provide safe air tight storage and can be frozen so snacks can be prepared in advance and Frozen for later use. Two of the blogers mentioned above have reviewed our pouches here & here if you would like an unbiased oppinion.

We now have 2 sizes of pouches:


140ml Animal pouches for Babies and toddlers

200ml Animal pouches for oldertoddlers, pre-schoolers and beyond


Take Care



April 26, 2016 — Suzanne Moore

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