These tasty cheesy bites are brilliant for a snack or for lunch or even breakfast. Perfect for weaning, toddlers or even older children.


Ingredients - makes 12-16

2 large eggs beaten

200g grated carrot and courgette (total weight)

100ml water

80g Mature Cheddar Cheese

80g Oat Flour (or blitz 80g of oats)


Making the Bites

preheat the oven to 180 degrees C

Add the grated veg into a microwaveable bowl with 100ml of water. Add a plate on top and microwave on full power for 3 minutes.

Drain the vegetables and allow them to cool a little then place them in the center of a clean cloth. Squeeze the water out so the vegetables are quite dry.

Mix all the ingredients together in another bowl and then spoon onto a baking sheet on a baking tray and press down to create little patties. You can also use a cookie cutter to help create shapes. The mixture doesn't spread much.

Bake for 12-16 minutes until the edges are crispy

These will keep in the fridge for 48 hours or you can freeze once cooled.

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April 04, 2018 — Suzanne Moore


Heather said:

These look great! Can’t wait to try them on my 4 year old. She’ll eat anything as long as it comes out of a nom nom kids snack bag!

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