
Plastic Free July has now become a yearly event that more and more people are taking part in. Unlike the name may suggest you are not expected to avoid all plastics throughout July to take part.

You can opt from 3 levels of participation:

Even then you can pledge to do it for as little as 1 day, a week, the whole month or from now on.

I try my best to avoid single use plastics but there are so many items that I don't succeed with and some things do just need plastic to work or to stop food from being spoiled. I will be using this July to keep up with the changes that I have made already and also attempt to make buying other items without packaging become more routine and easier to stick to.

I have recently joined a wonderful Facebook Group to help me make a few more swaps. The group is aimed at busy parents so we all have very similar issues. It's created with those of us in mind that are either starting from scratch or already do a bit so we can ask questions without feeling awkward and be inspired by ideas that are within our reach rather than suggesting that we all become Tom & Barbara from The Good Life overnight!

Founder Jen says:

"I'm all about the 'ish' - which means there's no minimalist plastic-free perfection. Which means we focus on progress, not perfection. Start from where you are and know that no step is too small"

Join The Sustainable(ish) with kids Facebook Group:

sustainable(ish) with kids logo

Join The Plastic Free July Challenge:

click here to sign up to Plastic free july

Good Luck!!

July 01, 2019 — Suzanne Moore

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