Our Weaning Story - Jamie & Harper
Weaning has been a journey for us. Harper has a both a dairy and an egg allergy, so finding suitable foods once she moved beyond fruit and veg was tricky. It’s meant I have needed to get imaginative, and do a host of research to support our weaning journey! I have also recently returned to work part-time so foods that can be prepared in advance and packaged into our reusable food pouches have been a necessity.
Here are some of our current “go-to” meals on day to day basis in addition to two or three breastfeeds a day.
Porridge oats simmered with your choice of milk. Once ready we add half a mashed banana and sometimes a sprinkle of cinnamon. You can also add a pinch of flax seeds and/or raw cacao powder.
I tend to switch this up depending on what fruit we have in the house, but generally it includes;
- ½ banana
- Handful of berries (either strawberry, blueberry or raspberry)
- 2oz milk alternative (generally expressed breastmilk, but now she is nearing one I add either coconut milk or goats milk – milks other than breastmilk or formula are not recommended until one year of age)
Blend, and then add to a reusable pouch for your little one to enjoy.
From about 10 months Harper could use a Nom Nom pouch herself to eat this, which was great as it meant I could sit and enjoy my coffee whilst she enjoyed her yoghurt, or it could be sent to childcare easily.
Try adding a yoghurt frozen in a pouch to your lunch box as it helps keep the rest of your food cool!
Cheerios are great favourite in our house. I started giving these (without milk) at around 8 months and Harper loved being able to pick them up and feed herself, and this is great to help develop fine motor skills.
Lunch and dinner
I tend to mix and match these, hence why the two are combined here. We have more recently started giving Harper what we eat most evenings, but here are a few that I cook up in batches especially for her.
Small handful pasta
1 tsp olive oil
1 clove finely chopped garlic
½ tin tomatoes
I use conchigliette mini shells but both Booths and Annabel Karmel do a baby pasta range. I cook the pasta for 6-10 minutes in boiling water. In a separate small pan I fry garlic in a little olive oil and then add tinned tomatoes. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Depending on your babies stage in weaning you can also add peas or sweetcorn here. Mix with the pasta and serve. Some days when I am feeling lazy I just add a pre-made pouch of baby puree to pasta as a ready-made sauce!
1 Courgette
1 Carrot
A few florets of broccoli
4 pieces baby corn
1 tsp grated ginger (we buy ready grated in jars – lazy mum hack!)
½ tsp sesame oil
1 tsp olive oil
½ clove finely chopped garlic
Heat oil in a pan and add garlic. Chop all vegetables into suitable sizes for your baby to hold and add to the mix, frying for about 10 minutes. Add the ginger and sesame oil (we sometimes add a tiny bit of soy sauce too, but take care of salt content). Fry for a further 5 minutes. Can be served with rice.
Harpers Chicken Dinner & My prawn toast
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp curry powder
1 crushed clove of garlic
100g tinned tomatoes
400g lentils
1 grated carrot
Heat oil in a pan and add garlic. Cook on a low heat for 5 minutes. Add the cumin and curry powder and stir. Add the tomatoes, lentils and carrot and stir well. Add 150ml of water, cover, and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Can be served with rice.
2 chicken breasts
2 tsp olive oil
½ tsp mixed herbs
1 handful spinach
50g breadcrumbs
Blend the chicken breasts, I find using a hand held blender easiest. Once they are in a ‘mince’, add the rest of the ingredients and blitz. Roll into palm-sized balls and cook in a preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius) for 15 minutes or until they are cooked through.
Fruit; banana, strawberries or blueberries are firm favourites for us
Vegetables; avocado, roasted sticks of courgette or carrot
I also do stock up on the pre-made baby snacks that the supermarkets sell, and again these are easily popped into a Nom Nom snack bags!
About Jamie & Harper

Jamie is a mum of one living in the Cotswolds with my husband, her baby girl Harper, and their two crazy dogs. Jamie writes a fantastic blog Mama Bear of One and can be followed on social media using the links below.
She writes about my raw experience of motherhood and life since becoming a mum. Harper was born in September 2016 following a peaceful hypnobirth, but what followed was not peaceful at all. She had colic, a dairy allergy, and was a very poor sleeper. "Motherhood is such a blessing, but not everyone prepares you for how tough the ride will be". Jamie aims to give a truthful account of her journey as a mum in her blog.
Jamie is also very passionate about supporting and empowering other women, especially mamas.