Immune system boosting smoothies

It seems that everyone has had a nasty cold already this winter so I thought that today's tip could help prevent us all from having any more.....or help remove the one that's been clinging on forever!

Did you know that cold and flu bugs thrive in dried out throats and nasal passages. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day can help keep your mucus membranes moist so they're better able to trap viruses. It can be tricky to get children to drink much so add some fruit smoothies to their diet and you can boost their immune system and keep them hydrated all at once.

Yogurt, kiwi, blueberries, orange, strawberries, sweet potato and spinach are all fantastic immunity boosting ingredients that can be made into an array of smoothie combinations. serve them in your Nom Nom Kids pouch for mess free eating.

We have a few recipes here or you can check out our pinterest board where we have gathered immunity boosting smoothie recipes from all over the internet.  Some may look a bit green but your child will hardly notice if they drink it from a pouch!


January 09, 2014 — Suzanne Moore

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